Te amo The power of love

Te Amo is a popular phrase that is used in many languages to express the feeling of passionate love to somebody. “I love you” in English is Te Amo in three languages namely Italian, Spanish and Mexican. Incidentally, Te Amo is a popular Italian song, too, that was released in 1977. And yes, Te Amo is also part of a Hindi song from the film Dum Maro Dum. Te Amo or I love you is then a universal feeling in some form or the other. But why Te Amo? That is the question. We often wonder what is the power that drives the world. It is this issue that often stirs the human mind that tries to find the answer in God, Nature or even Boson or the Bose particle as probable forces that seem to drive this world. But is that so? Famous Physicist and the man who gave the Principle of Lever, Archimedes is supposed to have once said — give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth. Maybe, he could have if he had found the place to stand. But why in the first place will someone want to move the earth. There has to be some very strong reason, some intense motive powerful enough to drive someone to that level of craziness. It is this motive that drives this world. And this motive is love. Passionate love. It is the power of the love that made Adam defy God’s diktat to please Eve. It was this love that pushed Lord Rama to run behind the Golden deer to fulfill Sita’s desire. It is this love that we find magnified in the legend of Radha and Krishna. It is this love that gives someone a reason to do all those things that are seemingly impossible. The story of the Mountain Man, Dashrath Manjhi of Bihar in India, is that great saga of love that drove an individual to single-handedly to create a passage through a mountain with only a hammer and a chisel. From Psychologists to Management Gurus have all tried to find answers to the basic question what motivates. Yet, they have failed to realize this basic truth that Love is the greatest motivator. The power that drives human beings to action. Little wonder mystic Indian Saint Kabir had said that the world has not been able to acquire knowledge despite reading volumes of thick texts. Only those who understand the language of love can become knowledgeable. Love gives compassion and compassion gives power to sustain. If someone wants to understand the force that drives this world he needs to understand love. And the best explanation is given, again by Kabir, in the famous couplet that says that love is not grown in the farm lands, not is it sold in the market place. Anyone who wants it, be it the king or the pauper, has to offer his head to obtain it. The meaning is that whosoever wants love must shun his ego. Love is spiritual and not a material thing. It is driven by the heart not the head. Philosopher J Krishnamurthy says that love is the only force that can end insanity, hatred and violence from this world. Love always seeks to give. It never desires to take.The world runs on the wheels of love. Rightly did Mozart, the famous music composer, say: “Love is the soul of the genius.”

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