Let the Child in You Live

The world would have been a much better place if all of us could retain the innocence and purity of a child. The problem is that we think we need to learn the ways of the society to survive. This assumption, however, needs to be re-examined. Having seen children very closely and observing their behaviour it seems that if adults were child like the world would have been much happier. It is so easy for children to adjust to situations and people unlike the adults. They can wave to strangers, smile innocently at them, greet them without any inhibitions. They can stay happy and carry on with their activities with the same vigour even when they are sick. Their laughter is genuine, their cries are genuine. Their tantrums, too, are genuine.

It’s so easy for child to speak out his mind without any fear or hesitation. They don’t hesitate in calling a spade, a spade. If you are bad to them, they will just tell you so, on your face and will have no guilt or regret for saying so. And the interesting thing is the child will forgive you easily for being bad to them.

It’s time we should realise that it is important to keep the child in us alive to maintain inner peace and tranquillity. We feel so happy while we are with a child as they make us forget all our worldly wisdom.

In fact we can very easily learn anger management from the kids. At one moment they are sad or upset over a particular thing, situation or a person. At the next moment they behave so normally as if nothing had happened. This is because they forgive, forget and let go things easily and move ahead. The children are not burdened with stress. Though they do feel stressed at times they don’t hold on to it. The longer we hold on to our stress the more troublesome it becomes resulting sometimes in burnout.

Therefore, to maintain inner peace and happiness, we just need to keep the child in us alive. Life would be much smoother if at times we behave child-like and take things easily. Kids can dance even if they are bad at it, they can pose stupidly for photographs, they can say no when they want to, without any hesitation and they can laugh their lungs out. They have no pretentions. If we too could behave like them, we would celebrate the event called ‘Life’.

It is said that the children learn from us. They do, but many of the undesirable things too, that have made this society a difficult place to live. They learn deception. They learn treachery. They learn to lie. To feign innocence. The unfortunate part is that all these vices are being picked up by the children at a much early age these days. It is time we adults learnt to be children from children.

Free from worry of the past and anxiety of the future the child is a pure soul. It is the purity of the soul that reflects on the face that gives the gleam. It is this purity that is lost as we grow and acquire adulthood. Little wonder that the term used to denote the impurity in products is called adulteration and the term that denotes impurity in relations is called adultery.  And mind you I am not kidding!

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